One of my devotions was on Abraham again today. I love that God continually reminds me about Abraham. He lovingly says to me, nearly daily, "I promised. Have faith. Remember Abraham." A quote from Streams In the Desert's entry today:
"Why Abraham did this thing: he dared to believe God. It seemed an impossibility at his age that Abraham should become the father of a child; it looked incredible; and yet God called him a "father of many nations" before there was a sign of a child; and so Abraham called himself "father" because God called him so. That is faith; it is to believe and assert what God says. Faith steps on seeming void, and finds the rock beneath. Only say you have what God says you have, and He will make good to you all you believe. Only it must be real faith, all there is in you must go over in that act of faith to God."
I remember doing one of the Beth Moore Bible studies several years ago. One thing she said still remains with me. Not so clearly in the wording, but in the meaning. She says (and I'm paraphrasing, since I didn't actually write the quote down) "If you believe God has made you promise, hold to it. Believe it. As humans, are we wrong sometimes? Yes, of course. Perhaps the promise wasn't from Him at all. But, even if it wasn't, at least you believed."
If God's after faith, I'm sure gonna bring it. I'm holding on to this one, and even if I'm wrong, at least I believed.
Today's Scripture Reading: 2 Samuel 17-1 Kings 6
Do you ever have moments when you're reading Scripture and a particular passage hits you so hard you just have to laugh? I'm not talking laughter that is an insult, but laughter because you see your life written on the pages of God's Word. That happened to me within this set of readings. I won't go into detail. But, God and I shared a few laughs about it.
Apart from the laughter, it was interesting to see the end of David's life and wonderful to read his last words. His words were praises to the Lord. He instates Solomon as king in his place and sees God's promises fulfilled to him before his death. It reminds me of one verse from one of his Psalms where David says, "I am still confident of this; I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of living."--Psalm 27:13 Sure, we will see the goodness of the Lord in heaven. But, we should expect to see His goodness on this earth as well. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Right?
Today's Memory Verse:
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