Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Normally Private

Normally I would put a post like this one on my private blog. But, I guess I'm in the sharing mood. Maybe it is because I'm sitting "around the campfire" in my little apartment with no heat. It is supposed to be in the 20's here tonight. Oy. 

I love Fernando Ortega's music. He is quite possibly my favorite artist of all time. I was introduced to him by the late great Colonel Wayne Pratt. I was staying with he and his wife, Paula, one week when I was in high school. It was secretary's day that week and he needed to go shopping for a present. So, we all piled in the Jeep and off we went. The first stop was at the Winn Dixie off of Coliseum Blvd in Montgomery. We saw a lovely peace lily, but he wanted to keep looking. Back in the Jeep. At this point he asked me if I had ever heard of Fernando Ortega. I said that I hadn't and so he put a CD in the CD player which was actually built in to his car!!! (You have to understand, this was nearly thirteen years ago, that was unheard of! HAHA!) The song was "Give Me Jesus." We then drove around the entire city of Montgomery listening to Fernando Ortega and stopping at EVERY store still looking for a gift. What did we end up with? We went BACK to the Winn Dixie for the peace lily. HAHA! 

But, I was hooked on Fernando Ortega. The next year we all piled BACK in the Jeep and headed to Birmingham to see Fernando in concert. Wayne and Paula were kind enough to buy me one of Fernando's CD's, This Bright Hour. That's the CD that my song for the evening came from. At the time I'm sure I liked this song, but I had forgotten about it for years. I heard it tonight and I started sobbing like a baby. I had forgotten that some of Ortega's lyrics have that affect on me, but sheesh! 

This song was written when Ortega and his wife were in the process of adopting a child. The mother pulled out of the adoption at the last minute leaving the Ortega's devastated. This song resulted. Now, thankfully, that's not the end of the story. Just this year Ortega released a new album on which there is a song entitled Ruby's Advent. Ruby is the name of Ortega's new baby girl! Born to he and his wife Margee-Ann. Born to them! Quite a surprise, much like Abraham. It makes me think about something Beth Moore said when talking about Abraham and Sarah. She said, "Blessed are you when God uses supernatural means to accomplish in you what natural means accomplish in others. All for you to say, 'The Lord has done this for me.'"

Now, am I posting all of this in regards to a child? Heavens no! But just to say that sometimes we pray for things and God knows it is not the right time. He knows that waiting just a little longer will teach us to rely on Him and give Him all the more glory when He provides. He knows what He's up to.

And as for Colonel Wayne Pratt, I like to retell stories of people who were so dear to me but have now gone to be with the Lord. It keeps their memory fresh on my heart. And that reminds me, I need to call Paula. It has been too long.

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